Learning to allow God to heal us, to turn our suffering into joy, to renew us, to re-make our identity from the false self we cling to, to the image He has of us. These are all challenges each of us face. Using St. Paul's second letter to the Corinthians, Katherine guides us into wholeness in Christ.
First Airing Nov 2, 2024
Where do you get your identity from? Your professional role? Your accomplishments? Your relationships? Or do you get it from Christ? Christ tells us who we are. In this show, Katherine breaks open the Scriptures so we all can understand our identity in Christ.
First Airing October 26, 2024
Jesus calls us friends, so, as we follow Him, Many saints throughout the ages have shared special friendships, so can we! Katherine explores friendship, particularly spiritual friendships, helping us learn how to walk together on the journey of life, towards God, towards Life, towards Love.
First Airing May 10, 2024
As we follow Jesus, we hope to become more like Him. Katherine helps us recognize God's love in our lives, his tender, merciful love. Jesus came to save, not judge. (Jn 12:47) Let us enter into God's love!
First Airing May 3, 2024
Fear is a common experience. There are many reasons we fear. Katherine will discuss those, then share with us a number of the many Scriptures which call us to not be afraid. Finally, she will share some practical tips to live without fear.
First Airing April 26, 2024
Baptized into Christ, we are made new. Katherine shares a series of reflections on our identity in Christ. Take time to listen and reflect, allowing God to renew your mind and affirm you in HIs love!
First Airing April 19, 2024
As Christians, we are people of joy. Unfortunately, that joy doesn't always show. Following Chris Stefanick's books, Living Joy, Katherine walks us through nine practical steps to be people of joy, living so that everyone around us is lifted up by God's joy coming through us.
First Airing April 12, 2024
In Christ, we are given new life, resurrection life, life to the full! Katherine shares with us a powerful homily of Pope Francis as well as several powerful prayers and insights from the incredible saint, the first US citizen to be canonized, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini.
First Airing March 31, 2024
Following Jesus means becoming humble, seeing things as God does. That does not mean beating ourselves up! Katherine shares with us numerous lessons on this foundational attitude needed to follow Christ.
First Airing March 8, 2024
Katherine sheds light on this often overlooked topic, sharing with us insights from Pope Francis, the catechism, Byzantine Bishop Robert Pipta, and an expanded understanding of what almsgiving really is (and how incredibly accessible it is for all of us to practice!) from Bishop St. John Chrysostom.
First Airing March 1, 2024
By making a series of tiny sacrifices, we prepare ourselves to love. Katherine explains more, sharing monastic practices, the teaching of Pope St. Paul VI, and a Byzantine perspective.
First Airing February 23, 2024
Jesus teaches us to pray, starting with the astonishing words, shocking words, "Our Father." Katherine leads us through Jesus' teaching of how to pray as found in the Sermon on the Mount, in chapter 6 of Matthew's gospel.
First Airing February 16, 2024
Unlike the other gospels, John's account of the life, miracles, and divinity of Jesus is rich with theological meaning. Katherine gives an overview of the gospel then reflections on the Bread of Life discourse.
First Airing January 26, 2024
Each gospel shares a little different perspective on Christ. As a master storyteller, Luke provides layers of meaning within memorable stories. In fact, many of the best known stories about Jesus, along with four songs used regularly in liturgical worship, come from Luke's gospel.
First Airing January 19, 2024
Mark's gospel was probably written first. It is the shortest of the gospels. In it, Mark moves quickly from event to event in the Lord's life. This gospel is characterized by the slow build up to Jesus' clear statement to His disciples that He is the Messiah (in chapter 8). Katherine shares background information for this gospel, then walks us through it, sharing insights from Jewish Christian commentators which deepens our understanding of various Jewish customs described in the gospel.
First Airing June 16, 2023
Katherine O'Brien explains the gospel of Matthew, with its deeply Jewish context and 100+ Old Testament references to us. This gospel, with its five segments that who the five books of Moses, is rich in its depth as Matthew reveals that Jesus, indeed, is the One promised over and over in the Scriptures that we call the Old Testament. Listen and learn more about the deep foundation and roots of our faith.
First Airing May 12, 2023
Episode 73: Jesus: I am the Vine & Litany of Saints who had Anxiety and Depression and Trials
The seventh "I am" statement in the gospel of John draws us into such intimacy with the Lord! Katherine explores this statement both in terms of our individual relationship with Christ as well as our relationship with Him as His Church. Then she shares a bit about St. Mary Magdalene before leading us in the beautiful litany of saints, detailing the trials so many of us face. Let us ask the prayers of those who clung to Christ and became holy despite those trials!
First Airing Apr 28, 2023
During the Last Supper, Jesus tells His disciples many things and speaks two of his seven I AM statements. Katherine leads us through the beginning of these teachings, including the mysterious statement: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Afterwards, she introduces us to a doctor of the Church, St. Catherine of Siena, who wrote that God was crazy in love with us. Let us come to know God's love, that it may completely transform our lives. She ends the show with the Litany of the Fearful Heart from SoulsandHearts.com.
First Airing Apr 21, 2023
Continuing to encounter Christ through His I AM statements in John's gospel, Katherine leads us through a reflection on the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead. In the midst of this, Jesus tells Martha, "I am the Resurrection and the Life" What does that mean? St. Padre Pio had many encounters with the evil one over the course of his life. Katherine teaches us a bit about this holy Franciscan friar who teaches us to pray, hope, and don't worry.
First Airing Apr 01, 2023
I am the good shepherd, The image of shepherd is found in many places in Scripture. Katherine leads us through a reflection on some of them, bringing us again into a deep awareness of God's incredibly rich love for us. Then she shares a bit of the stories about St. Patrick, a man who once was an enslaved shepherd and became a shepherd of souls.
First Airing Mar 24, 2023
The third of Jesus' seven I AM statements, I am the gate is the only one where He calls himself an inanimate object. This is a bit of a mystery, isn't it. What could He mean? Surely Jesus is not a thing? Katherine will unpack this statement as she examines its context and helps us reflect upon what the Lord is telling us about himself. Finally, she outlines the life of the patron saint of gatekeepers, St. Peter the apostle.
First Airing Mar 10, 2023
Katherine O'Brien leads us through Jesus' statement that He is the light of the world. God is referred to as light several times in the Old Testament in addition to Jesus' statements, of which there are several. Christians are also called to be light; Katherine will help us understand what that means. Finally, with a name that means light, St. Lucy is introduced to us in this show.
First Airing Mar 3, 2023
Seven times in John's Gospel Jesus tells us who He is. These "I am" statements remind us of Exodus 3, when Moses encounters God through the burning bush and God reveals the name I AM WHO AM. Katherine will review that passage with us then lead us through the rich teaching of Jesus in the sixth chapter of John's gospel. St. Thomas Aquinas wrote several hymns about the reality of Jesus' presence in the Eucharist; Katherine will share a number of them with us today.
First Airing Feb 18, 2023
Throughout the Old Testament, the motif of God making covenant with (marrying) Israel is repeated over and over. Katherine reveals to us how Jesus manifests himself as God the Bridegroom of Israel/the Church. She ends by sharing the incredible life of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Doctor of the Church, whose 86 homilies on the Song of Songs teach us much about the divine romance between God and our souls.
Recommended books; Jesus The Bridegroom by Brant Pitre & The Cantata of Love by Fr. Blaise Arminjon, SJ.
Airing Feb 11, 2023
Completing our consideration of Jesus as priest, prophet, and king, Katherine discusses what it is to be a king, some of the Old Testament prophecies about a Messiah - King, as well as some of the Scriptures about Jesus as king. She then helps us consider how it is that each baptized Christian participates in the kingship of Jesus Christ. Finally she shares with us the words of Pope Benedict XVI on the Queen of Heaven and Earth, Mary the Theotokos, the Mother of God.
Airing Feb 04, 2023
Continuing our exploration of Jesus as priest, prophet, and king, Katherine helps us understand the role of a prophet by discussing various old testament male and female prophets. Then she shows how integral the role of prophet is to Jesus' life and work. As Christians, then, how are we to live our prophetic ministry, given us through our baptisms? As an example, Katherine shares with us the life of Archbishop Venerable Fulton Sheen, an exemplary mouthpiece of the Lord from the 20th century. Let us speak God's word powerfully as the Holy Spirit leads and empowers us to do so every day of our lives!
Airing Jan 28, 2023
Jesus was priest, prophet, and king. Katherine discusses the various aspects of Christ's priesthood, coming from the Old Testament priesthood. Baptized into Christ, we share in His priesthood. Katherine shares some of the ways the Church invites us to exercise our baptismal priesthood. Finally, we learn about the patron saint of parish priests, St. John Vianney.
Airing Jan 21, 2023
Katherine shares more prophecies about the Messiah as suffering servant, "Son of Man", "Son of God", resurrected, and more! She finishes with a short litany, invoking the prayers of many Hebrew Catholics.
Airing Dec 31, 2022
Katherine guides us to a deeper understanding of who Jesus is by exploring the Messianic prophecies about the forerunner of the Messiah, and his birth, then she discusses the prophecies about his mission roles of priest, prophet, and king. Finally, more Jewish Catholics killed in the concentration camps are introduced.
Airing Dec 24, 2022
in order to more deeply understand who Jesus is, Katherine begins to explore the messianic prophecies found in the Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament and how they are fulfilled in Christ. As an introduction, Katherine gives some background on the Jewish perspective, as well as on the terms Messiah and Christ. Lastly, she shares the story of the end of St. Edith Stein's life. She was an atheistic German Jewish philosophy professor who became a Catholic, then a Carmelite nun, then was martyred at Auschwitz.
Airing Dec 17, 2022.
Who is Jesus? It took hundreds of years and many discussions and debates to clarify the fullness of Christ's humanity. Katherine will touch on the major heresies that helped the Church define Jesus' humanity - one person with two natures united yet not confused. She then shares a short reflection on why this was so very important to define - for our salvation! God's love requires that justice and mercy both happen. God's love shines through the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. Finally, she shares with us the saint who guided St. Margaret Mary Alocoque and helped spread devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, His Love poured out to us through His Sacred Body!
Airing Dec 10, 2022.
Who and what is Jesus? Katherine takes us through the development of the understanding of the divinity of Jesus Christ, and how that divinity is united to His humanity. After discussing early heresies and Church Councils, she shares the Scriptures wherein Jesus claimed divinity. Did you realize He was crucified for claiming to be God? Then she shares with us the beautiful Byzantine hymn to Mary, the Mother of God, the Akathist Hymn.
Airing Dec 03, 2022.
In this final class on St. John Paul II's teachings on the theology of the body, Katherine guides us through his comments connecting and explaining the teachings of Humanae Vitae with the theology of the body. Then she shares his reflections about the spirituality of marriage, a sure way to holiness. Lastly, sharing with us four more married couples, comprised of saint husbands and saint wives.
Aired Oct 01, 2022.
Katherine shares with us St. John Paul II's incredible reflections on the Song of Songs and parts of the book of Tobit, showing their depth in light of the understanding of the "language of the body" he has taught us. She concludes by sharing the stories of four married couples who both the husband and the wife were saints, including the couple first beatified together as a couple. What a powerful affirmation of the married state these saints provide us!
Aired Sep 24, 2022.
Katherine takes us through Pope St. John Paul's treatment of marriage as the primordial sacrament, the foundational sacrament, tied both to creation and redemption. It is related both to God and the Church as well as to husbands and wives. Then she introduces us to several more married couples who are saints.
Aired Sep 17, 2022.
Having completed part one of St. John Paul II's Theology of the Body, Katherine O'Brien now begins to lead us through part two, with its particular focus on marriage. In this show, she begins to share with us the saint's analysis of Ephesians 5:22-33, then introduces us to the patron saint of marriage, St. Joseph!
Aired Sep 10, 2022.
Katherine O'Brien continues to to take us through St. John Paul's Wednesday audiences that make up the Theology of the Body. Today we follow the Holy Father's examination of celibacy and its relationship to marriage as well as considering how it works as an expression of the male/female duality of human existence as well as the spousal meaning of the body. Then we meet Thérèse of Lisieux' holy parents. Saints Zélie and Louis Martin.
Aired Aug 27, 2022.
Katherine continues her overview of St. John Paul II's theology of the body as found in the Wednesday audiences given 1979-1985. Today she finishes chapter 2 by summarizing the appendix which treats art and media, then covers the first half of chapter 3, on resurrected bodies. At the end, she provides a brief overview of the lives of St. John Paul II's holy parents, now in the process of beatification.
Aired Aug 20, 2022.
Our host, Katherine O'Brien, shares a number of lessons from grief. She shares insights into God's intense love for us. She also shares insights into the life of Mary, John, and Mary Magdalen after the death of the Lord. She closes with the chaplet of the Bridegroom's Merciful Love, a beautiful prayer of conversion and surrender to the Lord from www.hopesgarden.com.
Aired Aug 06, 2022.
Katherine O'Brien continues to guide us through St. John Paul's teachings known as the theology of the body. Today's portion highlights purity, both as a virtue and a gift of the Holy Spirit. Purity opens the door for the riches of deep, loving relationships with God and with other people. St. John Paul's examination of the various Pauline scriptures related to the body deepens our understanding fully as we encounter positive and negative aspects of purity. Katherine also shares about her patron saint, the ancient martyr whose bold speech brought many to Christ, despite the fact that they would be martyred for their faith. Such an inspirational brave teenager is a powerful model for all Christians!
Airing July 30, 2022.
Katherine O'Brien, MA continues to teach us from Pope St. John Paul II's Theology of the Body. Todays class ends with St. Paul on the corss.
Aired July 23, 2022.
Katherine O'Brien, MA continues to teach us from Pope St. John Paul II's Theology of the Body. We finish chapter one then she gives a summary of the theological anthropology from the "beginning" that he describes. After that, we move into the second chapter and begin to consider the impact of shame after the fall. Lastly, she shares the story of a courageous boy saint who protected the Lord in the Eucharist with his very life!
Aired July 09, 2022.
Katherine O'Brien, MA begins to share a summary of St. John Paul II's talks which have come to be known as the Theology of the Body. In Part one, she covers: the "beginning", Original Solitude, Original Unity, and Original Nakedness. She also introduces the first American saint, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini.
Aired July 02, 2022.
In preparation for a series on the Wednesday audiences given by Pope St. John Paul II on the Theology of the Body, Katherine O'Brien shares with us the philosophical problems, the roots of the scientific mindset, that plague modern Western society. Then she shares a short biography of John Paul II, covers why he wrote the theology of the body, and outlines the structure of the body of teaching he gave over 133 Wednesday audiences.
Aired June 25, 2022.
Exhausted, working hard in a difficult situation through the night, the apostles find themselves at the ends of their ropes. Katherine O'Brien weaves the three accounts of this event and guides us as we literally see the disciples begin to believe! We all have times like this in our lives, see how very close the good Lord is to us! The show closes with brief glimpses into not one, not two, not even three, but the stories of eight saints who were able to believe in the midst of difficulty, in the midst of the storms of life.
Aired June 18, 2022.
Jesus meets ALL of our needs, even when we are too tired to ask! Katherine leads us as we consider the beginning of John 6, the preparation for the Bread of Life discourse that comes later in the chapter. We again find God's superabundant love and provision. During the final segment, we find ourselves surrounded by clouds of witnesses, people just like ourselves who were able to give powerful testimony to Christ in their lives. Meet the martyrs of Uganda, Vietnam, and China!
Aired June 11, 2022.
Peter denied Christ three times, going so far as to deny he even knew Jesus, furthermore was a disciple of Him. God's love for us has no bounds. He NEVER closes the door on us. Katherine also teaches us about our baptismal priesthood then introduces the incredible missionary saint, Marie of the Incarnation, founder of the first school for girls in North America.
Aired June 4, 2022.
No matter how much we have sinned nor what agonies we find ourselves in, God is near to us to rescue us, to free us, to hold us close and heal us. Katherine leads us through an examination of God's tender love for each of us - and our call to work alongside the Shepherd Jesus to seek and care for lost souls. Finally, we meet a great priest who spent many, many, many hours in the confessional reconciling people to God, St. John Vianney.
Aired May 14, 2022.
So often we can think that we are not important or that we have nothing to offer. Katherine leads us through six pivotal moments in Christ's life when the small action of someone else made His ministry possible, changed the course of His life in a significant way. She also shares with us a glimpse of one of Christ's followers who is hidden in plain sight. We all know of him from the Bible, but don't take time to consider his significant contribution. Listen to learn who this mysterious man was!
Aired Apr 23, 2022.
Jesus is Risen from the Dead! ALLELUIA! The Lord God hears us in our times of distress. He frees us from darkness, sin, and overwhelm. After we hear of His strength in our lives, we learn a bit about St. Francis Xavier, one of the first Jesuits, missionary to India, Japan, and inventor of the Jesuit apostolic system of evangelization. A blessed Holy Week to one and all! Please pray for my beloved friend, Paul, who is seeking to return to the faith through confession, confirmation and first Eucharist this week.
Aired Apr 16, 2022.
Seven times in the gospel of St. John, Jesus uses statements saying, "I am..." As we consider John 10, we encounter "I am the gate" and "I am the good shepherd" These rich images also leave us a bit confused and uncertain about what Jesus means. Katherine helps us consider how to approach puzzling scriptures then introduces us to St. John, the writer of the gospel, the one called the Beloved Disciple.
Aired Apr 02, 2022.
Three of the gospels preface the account of the Passion with the story of a woman's lavish expression of love for Jesus. Katherine explores these stories in order to help each of us learn how to love Christ so fully. St. John of the Cross, whose encounters with Christ blossomed into sublime writings and poetry, continues our theme of loving Christ.
Aired Mar 26, 2022.
Following Jesus requires taking action. Fasting is an ancient part of the Christian life, but what is it really? Fasting involves far more than changing how we eat. God lovingly teaches us the interior conversion, the deeper behavior that is the fasting pleasing to Him. After considering the prophecy of Isaiah, we also hear sermons of two Doctors of the Church on fasting: St. Augustine of Hippo and St. Francis de Sales.
Aired Mar 19, 2022.
The blind beggar, son of Timaeus, is you and me, blind to the Lord, ourselves and each other. What are we missing? To what are we blind? And how can our faith bring us healing, bring us sight, and bring us close to Christ?
Aired Mar 12, 2022.
In Mark 9, we read of the disciples' failure to heal a boy plagued by a demon that causes him to have fits and be thrown into fire and water. Once again, the Lord teaches us that FAITH IS ESSENTIAL. As an avenue to asking the Lord for faith, Katherine teaches us about the Jesus Prayer: Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner. Learn how to invite God to heal your heart, to fill you with faith, to draw you close to Him.
Aired Mar 5, 2022.
Only once is a healing story described within another healing story, the twin stories of Jairus' daughter and the woman with the hemorrhage. The many parallels between these stories give us insight into God's healing work in each of our lives. Additionally, for the many of us who have been abused physically, sexually, emotionally, or spiritually, there is a great deal of hope and restoration in Christ. We find ourselves both healed and called to bring healing to others. We close with a powerful litany of saints for abuse victims.
Aired Feb 26, 2022.
The woman came and washed Jesus' feet with her tears, wiped them with her hair and anointed them with ointment. So the soul expresses love for God after being touched by God's love and forgiveness. The Pharisee can only see the rules. He only sees her sinfulness. He is blind. Are you blind with tears or blind with judgmentalism? After exploring God's call through Luke 7 to love, we sit at the feet of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, doctor of the Church who taught extensively on love for the Word, love between the bride (us) and the Bridegroom (Christ).
Aired Feb 19, 2022.
In John 9 we read of Jesus' healing of the man born blind and the consternation (confusion) of the Pharisees. Jesus again heals on the sabbath, which is forbidden and they wonder who this rabbi could be - He does incredible miracles but does not follow the commandments. Listen and learn how God's thoughts are so far beyond human understanding. Then we turn to a seventh century abbess to see the founding of English literature and scholarship at her double monastery in Whitby, in the Northumbria region of northern England in the seventh century.
Aired Feb 12, 2022.
In Chapter 11 of the gospel of John, we learn the story of Lazarus' death and miraculous return to life. We also see the Jewish leaders decide to find a way to put Jesus to death. We are all wounded. Parts of our lives are dead, in a sense. The Litany of Self-Love is a powerful prayer that invites Jesus into those areas of our life. Join Katherine as she teaches this prayer and shows you how to open your broken and wounded places and invite Christ there to heal you and restore you.
Aired Feb 05, 2022.
John 5 tells us the story of the man healed instantly after not being able to walk 38 years as well as the shift of the Jewish leaders from interest, to a desire to kill Jesus. After we explore the many lessons that passage offers to us, we learn about the blessings of the faith we learn from our mothers, with a look at Lois and Eunice, Timothy's mother and grandmother, from the second letter of St. Paul to Timothy.
Aired Jan 29, 2022.
In John 8, a woman caught in the act of adultery is brought to the Lord as the Scribes and Pharisees challenge Christ. Jesus turns the tables on them, teaching us all about sin. And, He invites each of us to repent and turn back to Him. After these reflections, we learn from St. Francis de Sales, and are given some very practical advice on obedience, living married life well, and more!
Aired Jan 22, 2022.
In John 3, John the Baptist speaks of the bride and the bridegroom and of the gift of eternal life for all who believe in the Son. We explore this and more, then learn of the life of St. Faustina and the various aspects of the Divine Mercy devotion, including how to pray the chaplet and the themes of the novena. Added bonus: Catholic trivia about St. John Paul II and the Divine Mercy!
Aired Dec 4, 2021
The Gerasene demoniac was plagued by demons. Today's show discusses self-harm, abuse, and the complete healing Christ offers. Katherine also shares St. John of the Cross' notion of the thicket of suffering through which we must pass in order to encounter the thicket of the riches and wisdom of God.
Aired Jan 15, 2022
We cannot take God's gifts; they must be given. Exploring the Parable of the Prodigal Son shows us how to invite ourselves and others to Christ. We also meet St. Mary of Egypt, a harlot turned ascetic, an amazing woman!
Aired Nov 20, 2021
Nicodemus the Pharisee came to Jesus in the night... John 3:16 sits in the middle of Jesus' answer to Nicodemus' questions. How can it be that we are to be born from above? After breaking open the Lord's answer, we meet St. Gertrude the Great and her intimate way of prayer, a precursor to the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Aired Oct 30, 2021
Who was St. Thérèse, the Little Flower? We learn a bit of her life in the 19th century then sit at her feet and learn from this doctor of the Church on the direction of souls, simplicity, prayer, holy communion, suffering, the Blessed Virgin. Then you'll hear about numerous miracles God worked through the intercession of St. Thérèse.
Aired Oct 23, 2021
Who was St. Thérèse, the Little Flower? We learn a more of her life in the 19th century then sit at her feet and learn from this doctor of the Church about poverty, confidence, self-abandonment, gratitude, zeal, and the Blessed Virgin.
Aired Oct 16, 2021
Who was St. Thérèse, the Little Flower? We learn a bit of her life in the 19th century then sit at her feet and learn from this doctor of the Church about love of God, love of neighbor, faith, hope, humility, detachment, mortification, and obedience.
Aired Oct 9, 2021
Photini, the woman at the well becomes the apostle to her neighbors who then come to the Lord. Katherine O'Brien, MA leads our reflection, and draws from some homilies of St. Augustine on this text. Then meet St. Robert Bellarmine, a Jesuit in the 16th century
Aired Oct 2, 2021
How were these two apostles called? Listen and you'll learn! Then meet one of our Eastern saints of the desert, St. John Klimakos, a sixth century monk who wrote The Ladder of Divine Ascent to lead people to the gates of heaven.
Aired Sep 11, 2021
Jumping off rather from the ministry of John the Baptist than the former profession of Jesus’ first apostles, the first chapter of the gospel of John shows the arc from the Baptist to the Christ. We learn how to prepare to receive Christ and how to put him first in our lives. Then we learn of Lydia, the businesswoman who was key to the early church in Philippi.
Aired Sep 4, 2021
Pursuing Christ or following Him? Did Jesus ever ask for help? How can we share about Jesus? Where did He start? Can we do the same? These questions and more are answered, be not afraid; listen in!
Aired Aug 28, 2021
While the gospels of Mark and Matthew have the shortest accounts of the call of the first apostles, we are challenged when the brothers left everything IMMEDIATELY to follow Jesus. We also meet Mary & Martha and Dorcas, also known as Tabitha, more early followers of Jesus and see what their examples have to say to us.
Aired Aug 21, 2021
Breaking open the healing of the centurion’s servant we again find humility, boldness, and faith at the focal point of Jesus’ healing. We also learn about King St. Louis IX and the courageous third century boy saint and martyr, Tarcisus.
Aired Aug 14, 2021
Examining Jesus’ encounter with the leper who begged for healing we learn of the roles of humility and faith in healing as well as boldly praying in the Christian life.
Aired Aug 7, 2021
Once Christianity became legal in the fourth century, martyrdoms became rare so Christians sought ways to perfect themselves and grow in their love of Christ. Ascetical practices were adopted, people fled to remote locations, with many eventually gathering into communities which, over time, became monasteries. We’ll look at early monasticism then Benedictine monasticism.
Aired Jul 31, 2021
Private ownership has long been a Christian principle. Here’s a look at stewardship, and the Catholic Church’s teachings on social justice. With a word on taxation and St. Matthew, the tax collector.
Aired Jul 17, 2021
God’s call to not commit adultery was expanded by Christ to include lustful looks and thoughts. Katherine O’Brien discusses this call then goes on to share the basics of Christian living we are called to develop in order to fulfill our baptismal call – self-knowledge, ascetical practices, obeying the commandments, exercising moral virtues, and prayer.
Aired Jun 26, 2021
Recorded just days before his ordination to the diaconate, Ben Valentine shares his journey, growing up in Cedar Rapids, starting to sense a call to the priesthood, through formation, to his call to from Bishop Jackels of the Archdiocese of Dubuque. Interview by Katherine O’Brien.
Aired Jun 19, 2021
God commands us not to murder, yet we do so often. What? You don’t! Have you ever ruined another’s reputation with your words? This show explores the many implications of this commandment. Bonus: Meet Moses the Black - amazing saint with a fiery temper.
Aired Jun 12, 2021
Each one of us was created in a community. God’s fourth commandment teaches us how to nourish that first community we each have, with our father and our mother. She explores the need parents have to be courageous as they discipline and train up their children, as well as the many implications of this commandment for all our interpersonal relationships.
Aired Jun 5, 2021
During this special year dedicated to St. Joseph, Katherine O’Brien speaks about St. Joseph, the man Jesus Christ called daddy. She also shares the words of St. Bernardine of Siena, Pope St. John Paul, and the prayerful reflection and invitation to prayer with St. Joseph to become closer to Christ given to us by the Servant of God Katherine De Hueck Doherty.
Aired May 1, 2021
Addressing the last of the three commandments focused on our relationship with God, Katherine O’Brien helps us understand the importance of rest and leisure in our lives. After that discussion, she shares with us the inspiring stories of three pioneering priests who served in 19th century America.
Aired May 22, 2021
Our call to holiness continues through our exploration of the second commandment. Katherine O’Brien breaks open the Catholic Church’s teaching on this commandment then shares with us how the Old Testament figure, Job, gives us an example of holiness in the midst of trials.
Aired May 8, 2021
Aired Apr 24, 2021
Deacon Jim Thill teaches who the thirteenth apostle is and how to love God back. Katherine O’Brien then discusses our vocations to holiness and our call to transform society, beginning with our families.
Aired Apr 3, 2021
Deacon Bill Biver has an active healing ministry. In this podcast he shares numerous stories of God’s healing action in people’s lives. Katherine O’Brien shares the story of her own healing as well as the lives of three powerful women saints, who inspire us to love and serve God with our lives.
Aired Mar 27, 2021
Deacon Jim Thill powerfully teaches on the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives and about the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Katherine O’Brien then discusses the role of believers as temples of the Holy Spirit, called to be bold and courageous in love and to stand up for truth.
Aired Mar 20, 2021
Jesus uses many “I am” statements to describe Himself in the gospel of John. Deacon Bill Biver speaks on who Jesus is to us using those various I am statements. Then Katherine O’Brien discusses who Jesus is in terms of the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, the Messiah or Christ, and a human being.
Aired Mar 5, 2021