Aquinas Communications & KCRD Merchandise
Buy quality merchandise such as t-shirts, hats, jackets, and other items. Multiple sizes and colors are available.
Not only will you receive great Catholic-inspired gear but you will also support Aquinas Communications' mission to evangelize.
All items are shipped directly to you!
Subscribe to The Bellowing Ox Magazine, defenders of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Faith.
This is the area's finest Catholic magazine discussing our timeless Catholic Faith. Published four times per year, the magazine is filled with articles from Catholic authors discussing Church history, doctrine, saints, & current events.
Transportation Angels are needed for residents at Mary's Inn to help transport them to & from work. They also need Church Angels or Church Angel Families to get residents and their baby(ies) to their Sunday services.
If you feel a nudge in your heart, it's the Holy Spirit calling YOU. He's calling YOU to be an instrument to God for these extraordinary amazing young ladies! You will be wonderfully blessed!!
Please get in touch with us through email at: [email protected] or
Call us at 563-552-6288
Thank you in advance for SERVING the LORD!